• Double Wave Shelf - Wood

  • Double Lly Pad Cat Tree (with cats)

  • Single, Double and Log Scratch Posts

  • Stratus Trees

  • Classic Trees

stratus6 smallThe Stratus 6 Tree is six feet standard height, which makes the jump from level to level twelve inches, which is best if jumping up and down is an issue. The seven foot model has a thirteen inch jump-up. The standard tree has one small, one medium and four large dishes, which can be upgraded to four leaves, four small flowers or four large flowers. Two of the four upper levels can have clamshells. Note that the levels spin on and off so the location can be varied easily. If the top level is not a clamshell, putting a clamshell on the second level will put the "roof" close to the top level and the cats can playe easily. Having a clamshell on the top level will add ten inches to the height of the tree.

Certain Stratus Tree models are offered with Cedar Flats platforms. They make an excellent Outdoor Tree but, by adding sisal rope to the trunk, it can be also used indoors as a "near" hypoallergenic tree. Please refer to All Wood Products for details.

How to order:

Below, you will be asked to make a number of simple selections, as follows:

  • Large Levels - you may choose dishes, leaves, small flowers or large flowers. These are the levels between the fixed small and medium dishes lowest on the tree tree and the top.
  • Tall - will add 12 inches to the height of your tree and the levels will be redistributed evenly up the trunk.
  • Primary Colour - is the colour of the base and all levels of your tree unless you make optional colour choices.
  • Base Colour or Wood Finish - gives you the option of staying with your Primary Colour or choosing a different colour or wood finish for the base.
  • Top Choice - is where you choose what goes on the very top of your tree.
  • Top Colour - again, you may stay with the Primary Colour or the top most level of your Tree Structure can have a different colour of your choice.
  • Extra Clamshell - provides an option to replace 1 Large Level with a Clamshell. You may match the Primary Colour or the Top Colour.
  • Hammocks Option - can add a new look to your tree by including one or two hammocks for your cats to lounge on.
  • Ramps Option - allows you to add a set of ramps to your tree which may help older or infirm cats use the tree more.
  • Ramps Colour - choose a nice contrasting colour for your Ramps or stay with the Primary Colour for a more homogeneous look.
Large Levels:

Tall Model:

* Primary Colour:

Base Colour or Wood Finish:

Top Choice:

Top Colour:

Extra Clamshell:

Hammock Option:

Ramps Option:

Choose Your Ramps Colour:


The Lily Pad Tree was designed to keep your cats off the keyboard while you're typing or close up in front of a fire for the ultimate cozy sleep. The single is great for the cat which likes solitude or you can choose the double for cats which love to interact. There is also a Triple Lily Pad if you have a crowd.

Lily Pad cat tree with cat sleeping
Lily Pad with Maine Coon


The following is a video of the warmth of the fire AND play time (at least for one of the cats!).


 To order your Lily Pad Tree, click on the links below:

The Classic Cloud 9 Cat Tree is the original design and remains the mainstay of the Cloud 9 line of products. The Classics are built with a straight pole for each of the platforms, up to a maximum of four. The standard tree comes with round dishes, either small (twelve inch diameter), medium (sixteen inch) or large (twenty inch). These trees are rigid and there is no movement of the top of the tree when the cats are playing. The large four-tier tree, for example, will take the weight of a man or a large group of playful cats.

Which size is right for my cat?

The trees with twelve inch dishes are usually for kittens to play on (or lower steps on the Stratus and Fantasy trees). The sixteen inch are good for cats that are quite small, but can be used for larger cats as long as the top level is upgraded to a large dish. It is amazing how small a space even a large cat will sleep on, but they really prefer the large dish. The larger twenty-inch trees are by far the most popular, though they do take up a little more space, because of their extra width. If this is an issue, you can choose the option of leaf-shaped platforms, which will give as much sleeping area while keeping the width of the tree about the same as the trees with medium dishes. As you navigate further, you will find the options that can be chosen fro each tree. The Cloud 9 product line is quite customisable.

Trees with large dishes:


2 Tier in
Moss Green
1 Tier in
3 Tier in
4 Tier in

To order a Classic Cat Tree with large dishes or other shapes, click on the number of levels (tiers) you want below:

Trees with medium dishes:


CT116WGrey300   CT216RoseBeige300 CT316W CT416XWF300


To order a Classic Cat Tree with medium dishes or other shapes, click on the number of levels (tiers) you want below:

Trees with small dishes:


CT212WRoseBeige300 CT412XW


To order a Classic Cat Tree with small dishes or other shapes, click on the number of levels (tiers) you want below:


The Corkscrew Cat Tree is five feet tall with three platforms and three circular ramps for easy climbing. If you select the option for the top enclosure, it will bring it to four platforms and six feet tall. The levels are spaced eighteen inches apart. The ramps are twenty-six inches in diameter, so this is the width of the tree and it is one of the most compact yet versatile trees in the Cloud 9 product line. Its ramps (five inches wide) make it ideal for older cats to climb up to the top and, more importantly, to climb down without having to jump.  With the optional enclosure, the cats can sleep inside or on top of it, making it a true four tier tree for a very small space.

Leopard Print
All Black
Enclosure &
Wood Base


* Primary Colour:

* Choose Your Ramps Colour:

Base Colour or Wood Finish:

Round Base:



Specialty Pages.

"Near" Hypoallergenic Trees

These are cat trees which are produced from all wood or a combination of wood and sisal rope, essentially eliminating the use of carpet. The benefits are:

  • A great reduction in the risk of allergies for the cats and their owners.
  • Much less cleaning required.
  • All wood trees are built from Western Red Cedar, can be used outdoors and are highly recommended in outdoor enclosures.

see examples ...........

Products For Less Mobile Cats

For older cats and for cats with plumpness issues, many of the Cloud 9 products have accessibility options:

  • Platforms closer together, to make the jump up, and especially down, easier for them
  • Ramps between the levels for the cat to walk up and down on a gentle incline..       

see examples ..........

Products Under $200.00.

Single level trees, single and double lily pads, scratch posts, various wall shelves.

see examples ............


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